It’s getting better all the time

It’s getting better all the time Or the Lord will fulfil his promise to Israel a sermon for Advent I Jeremiah 33:14-16 The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that timeContinue reading “It’s getting better all the time”

Christ the King 2015

The hereditary principle seems unfair to my Lefty principles, but I can understand how someone who works hard wants to pass on the benefits of their labours to their children…

However, today’s monarchs tend to be descended from the most brutal and scheming bullies from ages past. Study history if you doubt it.

If you look at the Bible you can see how, through the thousand years it took to write the text, the vision of God develops…

Apocalypse now? a sermon by Margaret Offerman

Apocalypse now? We’re absorbing the news of another ghastly attack on groups of people having what should have been a normal Friday evening enjoying themselves.  If you Google ‘terrorist attacks’ since 2001, the year of the bombings in New York and Washington, you will find a huge grim list of towns and cities that haveContinue reading “Apocalypse now? a sermon by Margaret Offerman”

Remembrance Sunday Sermon by Richard Magrath

Sermon for Remembrance Sunday, 8 November 2015 [Readings: Epistle: Philippians 2:4-11 Gospel: Luke 15:1-7] Anniversaries You can tell by the colours on the leaves that we have once more come round to ‘Remembrancetide’: last week we celebrated the lives of the saints in heaven; and, later, remembered in our prayers the Church Expectant; now theContinue reading “Remembrance Sunday Sermon by Richard Magrath”