We are the Resurrection

Acts 2:42-47They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceedsContinue reading “We are the Resurrection”

Resurrection Now!

Happy Easter! What does it mean to wish each other a ‘Happy Easter?’  “I hope you enjoy that glass of wine you’ve denied yourself throughout Lent?” “I hope you have lots of chocolate eggs (though not so many that you are sick?)” What is Easter all about? I think liberal Christians can find it easierContinue reading “Resurrection Now!”

Maundy Thursday – a Dramatic Eucharist (or ‘all the Church is a Stage…’)

A Sermon for Maundy Thursday There is a saying that all clergy are, at their heart, failed actors.  I would like to poo poo this as terrible stereotyping (the clergy version of the famous insult to teachers: “those who can – do; those who can’t – teach (and those who can’t teach – teach P.E.)”Continue reading “Maundy Thursday – a Dramatic Eucharist (or ‘all the Church is a Stage…’)”

Poetry for Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday in Poetry Matthew 21.1-11 When they had come near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me.Continue reading “Poetry for Palm Sunday”

Can these bones live? a sermon by Margaret Offerman

Can these bones live?  asked Ezekiel Yes they can, said Jesus. The fourth gospel is the most carefully crafted and most literary of all the gospels.  The narrative is quite different from the other three.  The nativity story for example, lacks reference to a manger or shepherds or Mary and Joseph.  Instead the birth ofContinue reading “Can these bones live? a sermon by Margaret Offerman”

Mothering Sunday Silliness

Mothering Sunday also known as Laetare Sunday or Holy Humour Sunday   This Sunday’s ‘sermon’ was a series of jokes & silly stories spread throughout the service, so here there are with notes on the order & context (and without the ad-libbed jokes and conversations with the children).   Today is Mothering Sunday, but ItContinue reading “Mothering Sunday Silliness”

Fulfilling the Law – a sermon by Margaret Offerman

The Law of Moses, the Jewish Law is contained in the first 5 books of the Hebrew bible and it’s both detailed and comprehensive.  Some of the detail is quite extraordinary and suggests that the Israelites saw their God as above all a God of control.  This is Leviticus chapter 11 verse 20:  You mayContinue reading “Fulfilling the Law – a sermon by Margaret Offerman”